Where businesses in England have been forced by law to close due to COVID, they will be able to apply for a support grant from their English local authority. 

The grants are available from 1 November.

The grant will be based on the rateable value of their business premises and is payable every two weeks, as follows:

  • Premises with rateable value up to 15,000, grant of £667.
  • Premises with rateable value between 15,001 and 50,999, grant of £1,000.
  • Premises with rateable value of 51,000 or more, grant of £1,500.

How to do get the grant?

The grants will be administered by local authorities. Most should update their websites on how to apply in the next few days. My local authority (Stockport Council) has done so today.

Business support is a fully devolved matter. Different local business support schemes will be available in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

If you need help with this or any accountancy, tax and small business issues, get in touch for a no-obligation discussion – see our Contact Us page for how to reach us.

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