There are constant attempts to trick people that communications are from HMRC and therefore giving away personal information to fraudsters. Recently, a new scam involving QR codes has been identified. HMRC has updated it guidance on QR codes to help taxpayers avoid being caught out.

HMRC has confirmed that it will never send a QR code to a taxpayer. Hence, if anyone receives a demand for payment purporting to be from HMRC with a QR code, it’s a scam.

However, a QR code presented to a taxpayer when they have logged into their HMRC tax account should be genuine. The taxpayer can simply scan the QR code with a mobile device, which will open their online banking account and prepopulate the payment details. The payment details displayed on their mobile banking platform should be the same as those shown in their HMRC online account. 

As HMRC tries to improve its service and offer more payment options, new attempts to defraud taxpayers will inevitably be made. Everyone should always check whether any communication from HMRC requesting payment or personal information is genuine. Further information can be found here

If you need help with this or any other accountancy, tax and small business issues, get in touch for a no-obligation discussion – see our Contact Us page for how to reach us.

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